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World-class Japanese Titanium Frame



RIDOL 鈦合金眼鏡的發跡地為眾所皆知日本眼鏡最大產地日本福井縣鯖江市,這般豐功偉業從 1905 年便開始發跡,當時鯖江市的民眾大多以務農為主,但一到冬天積雪便無法耕種,人們便沒有收入,為了改善這樣的狀況,當時大都市(大阪,東京)開始行起眼鏡製造業,於是乎鯖江市的越來越多人開始投入學習製作眼鏡,將其作為休耕時的副業,並領先全球率先確立了「鈦金屬眼鏡」的製作技術。輕薄堅韌的鈦金屬鏡架,一推出立即風靡於世,RIDOL 眼鏡所使用的鈦金屬塑材有「純鈦金屬」以及「鈦金陽合金」,熔點 1668 度的鈦金屬需要兼顧到成品的強度與柔軟度,加工極其因難。鈦金屬鏡框歷經加壓,工具機加工,鐳射切割等程序初步成型,再加裝紋鍊和腳板的之後,將鉸鍊部份做削切,藉由傳統工法,耗時費力完成。傳統手工製作的腳板除了耐用性佳之外,更能融合現代的摩登設計。纖細的鈦金屬鏡架具有優異觸感與簡約造型,成為新世代雅痞人士情之所鍾的時尚配件,創辦人小田秀郎曾說,過去有顧客問他為何不做膠框眼鏡,單憑他桀驚不馴的理念,沒有任何材質能敵的過鈦金屬框的優點與魅力,因此至今他亦沒有配戴過膠框眼鏡,完全成為「金屬框偏愛者」。新寶公司是 RIDOL 眼鏡的香港及部分東南亞城市的授權經銷商,詳情請致電給我們查詢。

The birthplace of RIDOL titanium eyewear is Japan's Sabae City, one of the largest well-known eyewear places in the world. It has been a great success since 1905. At that time, most of the people in Qijiang City were mainly farming. However, due to the heavy snow in the winter, they could not farm. Therefore, they started to follow the metropolis (Osaka, Tokyo), who began to manufacture eyewear. Afterwards, they successfully established a world-class "titanium eyewear" production technology. The titanium frame used in RIDOL eyewear is "pure titanium metal" and "titanium gold alloy". The titanium alloy with a melting point of 1668°C needs to take into account the strength of the finished product. With softness, processing is extremely difficult. The titanium frame is subjected to pressurization, tool machining, laser cutting and other processes. In addition to durability, traditional hand-made feet combine modern design. The slim titanium frame has excellent touch and simple shape, and has become the fashion accessory of the new generation of elegant people. The founder Oda Saburo once said that there is no material that can rival the advantages and charm of the titanium frame, so he has not worn the plastic frame, and has become a "metal frame preference". Sun Po Trading Co. is the Authorized Distributor of RIDOL Eyewear in Hong Kong and some other cities in Asia Pacific. Feel free to Contact Us for more information.

Summary 簡介

World-class Japanese Titanium Frame

Official Website 官方網站

Category 類別

Japanese 日本

Updated Date 更新日期

20 Dec 2024

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於 1991 年創立, 新寶公司是設立在香港的亞太區眼鏡經銷商和批發商。

Founded in 1991, Sun Po Trading Co. is a Hong Kong based eyewear sole distributor and wholesaler for Asia Pacific.

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