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全新 3D 打印時代,法國設計及製造,香港總代理


由四腳蜘蛛型 PARASITE EYEWEAR 眼鏡公司設計,PROJECT ZERO 以 3D 打印技術,帶領眼鏡界進入一個全新維度。無限創意 - 成為 PROJECT ZERO 的主要特點,無限的鏡框形狀,無限的顏色配搭,以致無限的想像和看法,最後成為一個能擁有超過 10,000 種變化的眼鏡品牌。3D 超輕量鏡框是以聚酰胺粉末作為原料,並以激光一層又一層燒結而成。它的 “steelskin” 金屬鏡腿不經過任何焊接,並且易於組合 3D 鏡框,通過簡單的動作輕鬆插入及移除。無重,零重力。由原材料(聚酰胺粉末)以 3D 打印融合而成,框架具有絕對輕盈的特點,重量甚至可以小於 10 克。極簡主義,純度就是這個品牌的核心概念。從本質上講,PROJECT ZERO 結合了創新技術,創新原材料和創新設計。 20 種形狀,其中 3 款為 PROJECT ZERO 限量版眼鏡。新寶公司是 Project ZERO 3D 打印眼鏡的香港及部分東南亞城市的授權經銷商,詳情請致電給我們查詢。

The “Project ZERO” is the point of origin of a new big bang in the optical universe, we are inviting you to enter a new dimension. The patent of the hinge of “Project ZERO” is based on a principal exploiting the fundamental properties of 3D printing. The mechanism is located in the very interior of the front of the frame. No other technology would allow it. Infinity - “Project ZERO” is propagated in an infinity of shapes, colors and ideas, over 10,000 possible variations. The extreme lightness of the fronts is due to the raw material and the technology called “sintering” of polyamide powder. Thanks to a laser beam, working one layer at the time, the polyamide powder is being polymerized and by fusion transformed in a strong and ultra-light material. Its “steelskin” metal temples, are not subjected to any soldering, and are designed to be easily inserted in the front end piece. They function immediately and can be easily removed by a simple motion. Zero gravity - born by the fusion of raw material (3D printing with polyamide powder), the frames are characterized by an absolute lightness, they can weigh even less than 10 grams. Minimalism - purity is at the center of this concept. By essence, this project combines technological innovation, raw material and minimalist design. 20 shapes, 3 limited edition. Sun Po Trading Co. is the Authorized Distributor of Project ZERO Eyewear in Hong Kong and some other cities in Asia Pacific. Feel free to Contact Us for more information.

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Updated Date 更新日期

20 Dec 2024

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於 1991 年創立, 新寶公司是設立在香港的亞太區眼鏡經銷商和批發商。

Founded in 1991, Sun Po Trading Co. is a Hong Kong based eyewear sole distributor and wholesaler for Asia Pacific.

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