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法國設計及製造的蜘蛛型眼鏡 香港總代理
2002 年,眼鏡設計師 Hugo Martin 推出了自家的 PARASITE 蜘蛛型眼鏡。從他發明的革命性 STEREO 眼鏡開始,第一款是 STEREO 太陽鏡(2003 年),光學鏡架(2004 年),之後是設計師品牌 NOEGO(2006 年),MONO 模特(2008 年),AESTERO 滑雪護目鏡(2010 年)。 眼鏡配件和服裝的配合將會是 PARASITE EYEWEAR 未來的發展方向。PARASITE EYEWEAR 通過嶄新的 “STEREO” 四腳眼鏡設計,徹底改變了時尚眼鏡潮流的設計方向。 從初稿到生產以至製成品,PARASITE 蜘蛛型眼鏡將自己定位為創新設計的市場領導者。革命性的技術令 PARASITE EYEWEAR 眼鏡立體化。 持續通過施加反物質粉末層,為用家帶來從未經歷過的輕盈和舒適感覺。PARASITE 的生態圈是一個令人充滿期待的開明世界,投射着現代社會的一事一物。 舒適和輕盈是PARASITE EYEWEAR 產品的設計驅動力。其法國製造的產品質量非常卓越。 在每個季節當中,«PARASITE 個人設計實驗室» 會製造出限量發售的 “概念眼鏡” 以及 “跨項目眼鏡”,從而發掘出人與眼鏡之間的連繫。新寶公司是 PARASITE EYEWEAR 寄生蟲蜘蛛型眼鏡的香港及部分東南亞城市的授權經銷商,詳情請致電給我們查詢。
In 2002, Designer Hugo Martin launches Parasite, starting with the revolutionary eyewear he has invented. Then come the first Stereo sunglasses (2003), optical frames (2004), designer’s brand Noego (2006), Mono models (2008), Astero ski goggle (2010). In the future, Parasite will create several accessory and apparel ranges. Parasite revolutionized the eyewear industry with its introduction of the active «STEREO» system. Since then, the brand, always independent, has positioned itself as a leader of design and innovation. This revolutionary technology allows to modelize tridimensional shapes and to fabricate them with total freedom. The antimatter powder is applied by successive layers and provides a lightness never experienced before, a feeling of weightlessness. The Parasite universe is an enlightened vision of contemporary social themes projected in a world of anticipation. Comfort and lightness are the driving forces of Parasite Eyewear's product design. Manufactured in France, its product is of exceptional quality. Every season, the «Parasite Design Lab» works on limited edition «concept eyewear» and «cross-projects» to experiment interaction between human and eyewear. Sun Po Trading Co. is the Authorized Distributor of Parasite Eyewear in Hong Kong and some other cities in Asia Pacific. Feel free to Contact Us for more information.
Category 類別European 歐洲
Updated Date 更新日期20 Dec 2024