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Precious Natural Buffalo-Horn Frames
Freddie Wood 牛角眼鏡是由來自德國﹣慕尼黑的名設計師 Peter Biller 的手筆。他在高端眼鏡, 手錶及珠寶的設計與開發上已有30多年的深厚經驗, 早在80/90年代他已為國際知名品牌創作專屬的高端眼鏡系列了。早在1979年, PETER 為 MCM 眼鏡創作設計了他的第一個天然水牛角眼鏡系列,自此以後他對牛角獨特的天然物料愛不惜手。為了貫徹始終我們品牌的宗旨- 自然與美學的結合, 我們走遍了世界各地,精心挑選最 優質上盛的水牛角;並考慮到如何使每一位專貴的客戶能安心使用, 我們貼心地選用低致敏性並高端的物料如- 鈦金屬, 18K黃金, 白金 ,絲綢,天然寶石如鑽石 和 黑檀木等高級木材來製作 Freddie Wood 水牛角眼鏡。 目的務求令到每一位客戶配戴後感覺自然亦倍感自豪。自古傳來的工藝配合80多個現代化的獨立生產方法以及每支水牛角獨一無二的紋理, 製造出每副舉世無雙的眼鏡。使每個配戴 FREDDIEWOOD 的人都散發出獨一無二的感覺。為了完美無暇的品質,所有 FREDDIEWOOD 的系列是在德國設計及開發並採用國際化的生產。每一副 FREDDIEWOOD 牛角眼鏡也是自然與美學的結晶!新寶公司是 Freediewood 天然牛角眼鏡的香港及部分東南亞城市的授權經銷商,詳情請致電給我們查詢。
Designed by Peter Biller, Freddiewood Eyewear has set a goal for themselves: “The sophistication of a genuine natural horn eyeglass frame, combining unique charisma with modern unique design”. The development and the design of its collection comes into being in Germany, as well as the final inspection of each single frame. The basic works on the raw material, the rough cutting, etc. is done – with the following logistic reasons – at the place where the Buffalo horns come from – Asia. Based on its classic craftsmanship with modern methods in up to 80 separate operations, its unique eyewear frames are produced, each of them as unique as the person who is going to wear it. Horn is a natural material that can respond to various influences. Less than 15% of the available horns are suitable for processing into exclusive eyewear. In addition to those selected horns, Freddie Wood uses high quality selections of wood, silk, genuine stones, titanium and gold for the production of its eyewear. Its frame is extremely lightweight and yet very durable. It provides a comfortable fit and can be adapted perfectly to customers’ head and nose. It is extremely skin compatible and hypoallergenic, the natural colour structure is unique and guarantees a unique personal charisma! The uniqueness, the structure, the fascinating colours of the Buffalo Horn will show in all their beauty only after the final polishing. No animal dies because of its horns. Sun Po Trading Co. is the Authorized Distributor of Freddiewood Eyewear in Hong Kong and some other cities in Asia Pacific. Feel free to Contact Us for more information.
Precious Natural Buffalo-Horn Frames
Category 類別European 歐洲
Updated Date 更新日期20 Dec 2024