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Ordinary but not boring
創立於 2018 年,FLETA ZEPPELIN 是 Yu jung Corporation 旗下的韓國知名眼鏡品牌,其鏡框採用 Simula Technology Inc 原為美軍開發做為防彈玻璃的材質的高科技物料 NXT 製造!擁有超強韌性及彈性,並且超輕耐高溫。擺脫膠框又重又厚的缺點,猶如鈦金屬框的輕量感,重拾輕盈零負擔的感覺!Fleta Zeppelin Eyewear 的口號是 “普通但不乏味,獨特但不沉重”,將眼鏡和太陽鏡等混合高科技材料,擴展自家的行業領域。作為首個推出的品牌,在手工製作的眼鏡上保持著獨特的設計和舒適,並希望從中帶點樂趣和新意。新寶公司是 Fleta Zeppelin 韓國眼鏡品牌的香港及部分東南亞城市的授權經銷商,詳情請致電給我們查詢。
Fleta Zeppelin launched as a sub-brand of Yu jung Corporation in 2018. Its eyewear is made of high-polymer optical material called 'NXT' by Simula Technology Inc. This optical material was originally developed for the US military as a material for bulletproof glass. It is light and thin so that Fleta Zeppelin’s eyewear is more comfortable than most plastic-made eyewear. Fleta Zeppelin Eyewear puts the slogan “Ordinary but not boring, unique but not heavy” expanding her business fields from eyewears like glasses and sunglasses with well-mixed high tech materials. It is created since 2018 as the second launching brand from special initialing services on the eyewear with unique designs and exclusive comforts to hand-made item designs as well as some funnny and hilarious impressions. Sun Po Trading Co. is the Authorized Distributor of Fleta Zeppelin Eyewear in Hong Kong and some other cities in Asia Pacific. Feel free to Contact Us for more information.
Ordinary but not boring
Category 類別Korean 韓國
Updated Date 更新日期20 Dec 2024